When I look back at how radically different my life was only 12 years ago.

I’m reminded of how much can change in such a short time.

Back then, I was digging around looking for a better way to grow my business without spending my way into bankruptcy.

Around that time my business partner and I were trying to build an Edu Tech product (with little money and big ideas) that was designed to help educators understand how their students were using the internet.

We wanted to build an app base tech that would use image recognition AI to capture concerning internet use straight off a students device and send those images to a teacher or school administrators device all in real time and across thousands of devices.

We knew it was going to be a monumental task and because we only had limited capital we knew it was a huge risk.

So we needed a more cost effective way to build and deploy the tech.

And that’s how we got into the outsourcing game. Initially it was through need rather than desire. But that need soon turned into a must have component of our business.
I mean don’t get me wrong it wasn’t all smooth sailing. We had developers spread out over multiple time zones, we had to put up with bad internet, poor english, and low skill but fast forward to today and internet is great, english is spot on and skills are on pretty much on par with any other country in the world.

And that’s how I ended up based over here in the Philippines running a team of Website Development, Digital Marketing, Graphic Design, and Video Editing gurus, with Technical Expertise that are all skilled, motivated and able to do any job.

And a rocking team of Telesales and Telemarketing professionals, who are the best in the business for outbound & inbound sales, surveying and appointment setting.

And a team of Software Development specialists, AI experts and data scientists.

“As my team likes to say, as long as the job is done in front of a computer screen connected to the internet we can do the job as well as anyone from any country, but for 70-80% less than what you would pay anyone else.”

Trust me, as someone who was born and bred in Australia and didn’t feel right to outsource the first time I heard about it…

It didn’t seem possible that we could find software developers or other employees skilled in other areas in countries like the Philippines and trust them to do the work and do it well…

Or that they’d be able to save up to 80% – without sacrificing quality.

I suppose part of me didn’t think outsourcing would work…

And yet, over the last 10 years we’ve worked for 100’s of startups, entrepreneurs and business owners in 12 countries and helped them save valuable time and money.
In fact, to make sure you get the most out of outsourcing when working on your next project, my team has put together a “comparison blueprint” that you’ll find in the resources center I’ve linked below, that’ll make your journey of hiring a skilled, and qualified team of talented people, more efficient, effective and far more productive.

So, do you want to join the millions of other entrepreneurs and business owners from all over the globe, that, like me took the plunge and are now saving more time and money than ever before.

Enter a few details below and I’d be honored and happy to talk with you and show you why outsourcing is now a must have for anyone serious about taking their business to the next level.

Let me show you more.

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